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I used to be petrified of having my photo taken

Be a good girl. Don't have tickets on yourself. Don't show off. Never tell people how good you are. Be a quiet achiever.

Working behind the scenes my entire career was a great way to hide in the shadows. Often literally being in the dark on a set, in studio or side of stage. I used to be petrified of stepping in front of a camera to technical checks and walk throughs let alone having my photo taken.

That's been well and truly flipped on it's head. I let go and started playing and having fun. I'm a little older, a little curvier and a whole lot more confident and happier mucking about in front of a camera than I have ever been even though I'm still a little awkward.

When it comes to having my photo taken I show up as the fun, playful person I am every other day. I'm a bit of a goofball to get out of my own way and not take things too seriously and the pics are way better for it. I have a ball and the photos reflect that and me. I freaking love it!

And the good girl. She's gone too. A woman who can speak her mind is blossoming. She's kind and funny and I really like her so much better than that good girl who was too scared to be herself.

I am enough as I am.

PS If you scroll back through my feed you can see the difference.

PPS Message me if you'd like to chat about flipping your stories.

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We acknowledge and pay respects to the Yugambeh people of the Gold Coast and all their descendants both past and present. We also acknowledge the many Aboriginal people from other regions as well as Torres Strait and South Sea Islander people who now live in the local area and have made an important contribution to the community.

Gold Coast, Australia, QLD 4215


Phone: +61 416 133 738

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